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The True History of Mount Rushmore

The True History of Mount Rushmore February 20, 2023 Mount Rushmore, located in South Dakota, is one of the most iconic landmarks in the United States. The massive sculpture, carved into the side of a mountain, depicts the faces of four American Presidents: George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, Theodore Roosevelt, and Abraham Lincoln. But the history of Mount Rushmore is much more complicated than just a simple tribute to four great […]

todayFebruary 20, 2023 340


Propagating National Security Interests

2017 National Security DocumentIn 2017, President Donald J. Trump wrote his National Security Strategy outlining the views he thought were best fit to protect the U.S. While he had his successes, he also had his fair share of downfalls. This blog will access the liberal, identity, and realist perspective concepts found within the National Security Strategy. After a brief assessment of each perspective within the document, the overall realist perspective […]

todayAugust 17, 2021 242 8 5


Abortion and Moral Obligation 

Part 1: Introduction Before 1972, abortion on demand was illegal in all states except for Washington, Hawaii, Alaska. And New York. The few permitting circumstances for the other 46 states were when found necessary to save the mother's life in rape and incest cases. This standing all changed when Norma McCorvey filed a lawsuit against the state of Texas, known as the Supreme Court case Roe v. Wade. McCorvey claimed that the law banning abortion was unconstitutional. The case was […]

todayApril 5, 2020 309 8 5


Culture and the Assimilation of Ethnic Groups

Culture and the Assimilation of Ethnic Groups The definition of assimilation is when outsiders, either ethnically or culturally, adapt their way of life to become like others in a new environment.  Many ethnic groups immigrate to a new country and often fleeing conflict in their home country to make a better life for themselves and their families. A vast majority of ethnic groups believe the United States is a country with […]

todayApril 4, 2020 423 8 5


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